Thursday, September 6, 2012


So a lot has been happening to me this past month or I guess I could say ever since I got back from my mission or maybe it'd be safe to say so much has happened since the second I graduated High School. I have yet to be home for more than 2-3 months since I stepped out to venture on my own. My life is always on the go and that's why I think the fast-paced environment at National Geographic will be the pefect fit. Did I mention that this is my dream job?! Seriously I was on cloud 9 and still am. After multiple interviews, battling out the spot with another graphic designer and a week (or so I thought) long trial run they told me on Wednesday that I had gotten the job! I am seriously loving every second of it. Loving the people. My office. My bosses. The content I get to design. The fact that I have found other creative people like me in the DC area. My official title is the Digital Junior Graphic Designer. There's one senior graphic designer and then there's me! So anything you see that's relating to the NatGeo Channel or NatGeo Wild on the web (Hulu, YouTube, Facebook, Itunes etc) that will be me!

1. I am not a government rockstar anymore.  I was sad to say goodbye to GovLoop but now I am onto bigger and better things.
2. The first time I saw the National Geographic Headquarters heading in for my first interview.
3. My new work station. I am still getting to used to working and staring at such a huge monitor!
4. My lovely view from my desk.
5. Already loving the perks of my new job. Today we got to go on a cruise along the Potomac. For most people this meant food and alcohol. Good thing I love my water.
6. It's official. After weeks and weeks of temporary visitor passes I finally got the real deal badge. No more stickers for me.

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