Sadly, after 2 long years with my iPhone 4 I had to part ways. While I loved the cracks on the screen, the fact that it died in the toliet and was resurrected, randomly froze or turned to a white screen, added a blurry effect to all my photos and made my adding/deleting apps a well thought out process due to my lack of space, I just had to let it go.
What did that mean? A new iPhone 5s Gold (might I add) iPhone. I have only been drooling about this for the past year! I met a new person named Siri, deleted my flashlight app because it comes with one, I text someone a date/time and it marks it so I can store the date in my calendar, my fingerprint opens the phone, and can we just talk about the new iOS? I realize people have had this for some time but not me! I didn't have the space. I mean I did. But my phone was jacked and saying I didn't. So let me get all designer on you and tell you the look of the new iOS is SO beautiful. I love the feel. It's clean, sophisticated, I love the flatness, the transparent effects, the typography….Ok I will stop boring you.
When I got my new phone it's safe to say I felt like Ivy in this video.
Merry late Christmas to me!
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